FADICA held its largest Annual Meeting and Symposium February 9 -11, bringing together over 100 FADICA members representing more than 35 foundations
in Santa Monica, Cali. in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the most diverse archdiocese in the country. Nationally recognized speakers from around the country engaged members through presentations, rich conversations, and innovative models in the fields of homelessness, Catholic education, immigration, human trafficking, and the next generation of Catholic philanthropy.
Archbishop José Gómez welcomed and blessed FADICA members and provided a special session on the V Encuentro, which will create 20,000 new pastoral leaders as it discerns best responses to help the Hispanic Latino presence in the U.S. Church. Rev. Gregory J. Boyle, S.J. delivered an inspiring spiritual reflection on his life experience as founder and executive director of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world.
Rosanne Haggerty of Community Solutions and Tiziana Dearing of Boston College’s Center for Social Innovation led a thought-provoking discussion on innovative strategies to end homelessness.
FADICA Member Roma Downey of LightWorkers Media, Noel Diáz of El Sembrador Ministries, and Matt Meeks of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles inspired members with stories of their Catholic media vocation and visions for Catholic media.
FADICA celebrated three Catholic philanthropists by honoring Kathleen McCarthy Kostlan, Robert Smith, and Sr. Sally Duffy, SC for their exemplary contributions to the Church.