“Hope in Action” Theme of FADICA’s Annual Report/ Philanthropic Engagement Termed “Hopeful and Committed

New York, “Hope in Action” is the theme of the annual report to the membership of Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities as it gathers June 6th for a review of the organization’s progress.

“Hope in Action” is an appropriate theme to describe the work of FADICA’s philanthropic community over the past year, says FADICA’s president, Francis J. Butler, in his introductory comments to the report.

The twenty-page report touches on five principal areas of current organizational focus, strengthening Catholic schools; building leadership and capacity within Catholic campus ministry; assisting storm-related recovery efforts helping the poor led by women religious in New Orleans; promoting best management practices among religious organizations; and building bridges between the churches of Africa and the United States.

Currently, the membership of FADICA, which is comprised of nearly fifty private foundations, has been training its attention on Catholic schools, and in particular, areas of the country in which innovation has played a role in new school growth, improved quality, and better financing.

Members of FADICA are involved in supporting a wide range of new Catholic school initiatives including supporting the highly acclaimed, Jubilee Schools of the Diocese of Memphis, and in assisting in the development of Cristo Rey, Nativity and San Miguel schools throughout the country.

One member of FADICA has recently endowed a $2 million chair in Catholic K through 12 at the University of Notre Dame.

At the forthcoming New York-based FADICA meeting where the report will be discussed, the group will also bring together education experts, to explore ways to promote Catholic school innovation at the national level.

FADICA’s annual report touches on the many ways that foundations are working together and in cooperation with church leadership organizations on matters of urgency to the future of Catholic ministries.

Over $2.5 million dollars have been provided through the members of FADICA over the past year to eight communities of religious women in New Orleans who are rebuilding in the wake of massive storm damage in that city. The fundraising program is a collaborative undertaking between FADICA and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.

Members of FADICA are also assisting the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in its effort to build a Solidarity Fund to support pastoral projects on the Continent of Africa. The Fund is brand new and made its first grants in 2007. FADICA hopes to broaden awareness and participation in the Solidarity program by Catholics across the United States.

Members of FADICA are also working together to promote the work of the National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management. Individual members of FADICA provided startup capital for the organization which was established in 2005, and promotes best practices in the not-for-profit sector. The organization is comprised of business and church leaders, researchers, administrators, educators and foundation trustees.

“All of FADICA’s work is a reflection of a new and exciting spirit of cooperation and hope that marks Catholic philanthropy at the present time,” said Dr. Butler.